Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Troy Family is Moving to Santiago, Chile

Well, we are two weeks away from boarding a plane to move our little family to Santiago, Chile, and the anticipation for our new adventure is palpable in our household (as is the stress of trying to get everything done before we leave).

The whole family is very excited about our new adventure and looking forward to embracing a new culture, language and hemisphere. We see this as an amazing blessing, and we are just trying to be open-minded, peaceful and patient.

Nonetheless, I've already cried and I'm sure will shed some more tears as we say our good-byes to friends and family. We have so many wonderful people in our lives here in the States, and we will miss you all.

That being said, I don't really have anything profound to say, but I do hope family and friends visit to see updates and catch up with our journeys.

1 comment:

  1. Phaedra, what a great idea! I am so excited for ya'll and can't wait to read about it all! This will truly be an adventure of a lifetime. I envy this opportunity and I am sure you will bring home a treasure trove of memories. I hope that we will be able to enjoy a few days of it with you as well. I have already started looking at airfare! lol

