Sunday, August 5, 2012

We're Back! The Blog is Revisited

 So we've been in Chile for nine months now. It's been a whirlwind, but very fun. Work is busy, weekends are adventurous, and our Spanish is improving.

Trippie has grown and grown. He's such a good talker, and he's really starting to understand and speak Spanish. His favorite is dinosaurs, and he knows all of them, more than I ever knew. His favorite is the T-Rex, but he knows the spinosaurus, cantosaurus, stegasaurus and more! Cars are still very important, but blocks are gaining on them.

We've made a few friends here, mostly American and very lovely. We've learned how to get around on the metro (subway) quite well, and are no longer intimidated (usually...) by the massive crowds. I actually commute now on the metro, and I've learned how to push, literally, onto the car and why people close their eyes when they ride (I think it's a mix between not wanting to stare directly into a stranger's face and not wanting to have to get up to give their chair to old people. Although Patrick is convinced it's because of the whoosh of air that happens when the train takes off.).

While we have paid a random guy in a less than stellar neighborhood to take us somewhere, we have not yet tackled the micro (bus system). Talk about cramped: there are so many people crammed into the buses I can't get myself to ride one. People do say that they many times have musicians riding for entertainment and tips. They've found a captive audience.

Patrick is learning how to use Chilean ingredients to make American, Chinese and anything else. In general, other than select Peruvian food, Casa Troy is the best place to have a meal in Santiago. Nonetheless, we keep trying new things and tasting fun food.

Speaking of Chilean delicacies, we've figured out that hotdogs here are sacred. They call them vianesas, and the most popular completo version is a hotdog with mashed avocado, diced tomatoes and a whole lot of mayo. (They take their mayo very seriously too.)

There are lots of new things to update you on (and we will), but we just wanted to welcome you back.

The Troys
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