Tuesday, November 25, 2014

An Interview with Trippie on his 5th Birthday

I know that our blog is really about our adventuresin South America, but what's more exciting than turning 5 years old?! Usually, I keep my doting posts about Trippie to his page, Trip Notes, but I had to share a bit about him here, too.

Trip's 5th birthday party at his school

We came to Chile the week Trip turned 2 years old, and we've just celebrated our third anniversary of living in Chile, as well as Trip's fifth birthday. Beyond our travels, a lot has happened in the last three years. Our life here in South America has been wonderful and complicated, exciting and challenging, but the best part of the last three years has been watching little Trip grow from a baby into a big boy.

A Power Ranger for Children's Day at school, August 2014

Our Superman when we came to Chile, October 2011

Yes, Trip is bilingual. He attends day school at a completely Spanish school, and he speaks and sounds like a Chilean in Spanish -- and of course a Texan in English. Here's a little more about our littlest member of the family:

Trip's homework: "Bombero" (fireman)

Trip Troy

Age: 5 years old

School: Vitamina Augusto LeguĂ­a Norte
Teacher: Camila

Trippie, Kiki and Santi at Plaza Peru

Who are your best friends?
Santi and Kiki, and all my cousins

What is your favorite number?
Five -- because that's how old I am.

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite animal?
Giraffe -- because it is yellow.

What is your favorite super hero?
Wolverine -- because he is yellow.

What are your favorite foods?
Watermelon, pizza, noodles (Asian, Italian or Ramen) and mac-n-cheese

What is your favorite TV show?
Scooby Doo

What is your favorite toy?

What is your favorite book?
Goodnight Goon (a spooky parody of Goodnight Moon)

What do you want to be when you grow up?
A toy reviewer (He even has his own YouTube channel: Trip Reviews Toys.)

The Troy family at the beach, October 2014

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